I am the mother of 5 little ones ages just- turned- 6 to just- turned - one and have been so weary and exhausted over the past year. I had really been struggling for a few days before listening to your song God Says They're Gifts. I was feeling like such a failure and wondering how I would ever manage to keep on going, (never mind even doing a good job!), since I was just so exhausted. I felt almost too tired to pray, but I continued to pray (in desperation!) and ask the Lord to help and refresh me.
When I listened to your song that night a few weeks ago, I felt as though the Lord Himself was speaking to me and encouraging me. I listened to it over and over and broke down crying. It almost felt like the Lord had His hand on my shoulder :-) My attitude and outlook were transformed instantly and I did feel refreshed and firm again in my conviction that the Lord would help us as we seek to serve Him and raise our little ones for Him.
The song has continued to be a great blessing. I still don't know if I have listened to it yet without tears in my eyes! Your songs "By Your Grace" and "Forever and Always" have also been wonderful encouragements as well.
Val has great lyrics and what a smooth voice. Definintely a true musician.
As Music Director for WAFT 101.1 FM, Christian Radio for South Georgia and North Central Florida, I get a lot of music across my desk. The first thing I do even before listening is to read the "thank you's" and words to the songs if they are there. The message is first. If the singer/song writer has nothing to say I don't waste my time. The music is second. With Val Halloran's music it's all there, quality music and words that speak the truth. Val writes and sings from her heart, things that she is experiencing with Christ day by day. As a mother of 8 and a pastor's wife she hasn't time for fluff. God is real to her and it shows in her music, her life and her children. After listening to Val's music you know God is real, she lives with Him.
Keeper of my Heart. This song is well done and one of the best independent singles I have heard in a long time. Paul Tipton Program Director WGCS
Val is a genuine and transparent artist who writes and sings from her heart. She is a quality musician . . . worth listening to!
Val, let me start out by saying how much your CD has ministered to my heart! Music like this is hard to find! I thought music like this didn't exist until I heart Serene and Pearl's music. Since they only have 2 CDs that I really loved (previous ones were nice, but not totally about motherhood and walking with Jesus in this life I'm in right now), I thought that is where it stopped until one of my closest and dearest friends introduced me to your music. I was able to get your CD for free at the recent Above Rubies Texas retreat as a door prize. Now I just ordered 2 for my mom and mother in love for Mother's Day. I didn't have a peace about purchasing something else that would collect dust or have no meaning. I popped on my iPod and went to your album when it dawned on me the perfect gift - your CD!! I can't wait to receive them and gift them to my precious mothers who have influenced my life so greatly. Just listening to the words on your album will speak truths into their lives!!! Thank you again!! May Christ bless you in this endeavor - I can't wait for your next CD!!
Dear Val, I purchased your cd after the Alabama retreat. "I HAD NO IDEA", you had all of those wonderful lyric's in you! I have been tremendously blessed by this cd. I have loaned my copy out to a good friend of mine and I will tell you, that it has only been a few day's but I miss my cd. I am forwarding a lot of people to your web-site and praying that they will purchase your cd because it has been such a blessing to me. It has been a really long time since I've come across a cd that "EVERY" song is really GOOD. All that I can really say is please, continue to allow God to move you vocally because you have been BLESSED! I truly love every song. When I am down I am quickly encouraged by "Father" and the title song of course. May the Lord continue to bless you and your family.