

The title says it all...almost. This disc, which contains ten tracks from the previous releases of the Winds of Worship series, is supposed to be greatest hits from the excellent series from Vineyard Music. However, while this CD is a great "sampler," it is not really a good "best-of" collection. For example, the opening track is "All Who Are Thirsty," a good track in itself, but nothing in comparison to other songs on it's native Winds 12 (such as "Come, Now is the Time"). "Before You" features a repeated, heartfelt cry, "Oh Lord forgive me ~ I need Your mercy." After "You are the Vine" the disc starts to liven up a bit with "Moving With the Lamb," which begins with "I'm moving with the Lamb ~ Strolling with the King of Kings," a quiet whisper from South Africa. beginning with some funky sound transporting the listener to the Australian desert, "Holy is the Lord" makes up a quarter of the words in the song, whispered, yelled, and sung with some soaring electric guitar. Speeding up a bit, "More" begins with "More than oxygen, I need Your Love," and the crowd claps along with the words "Father, I need You more." Undoubtedly the best track on this CD, "I See the Lord" is an epic story performed at Brownsville on Winds of Worship 7, a great disc in itself. This is truly one of the best worship recordings ever, with unsurpassable keyboard and guitar, great vocals from Lindell Cooley, and an awesome crowd. For over eight minutes you are transported to the Temple of the Lord with the angels and God calling you. Next come two Vineyard classics which have been used lots on Vineyard recordings, "let Your Glory Fall" and "Yahweh." The last track, "You Oh Lord are a Great God" is a great close to over an hour of "the spontaneity of live unedited praise and worship that continues to bless the church worldwide," which is says on the back cover of the disc. If you've never heard of the Winds of Worship series or have never bought one, I encourage you to purchase this disc and feel the waves of mercy and grace that God is pouring down throughout the world.