
Lamont Heibert (vocals, guitars)
Tommy Lee (bass)
Austin Morrison (drums, backing vocals)
RISK (2003)
"It all began with a risk." So begins the sophomore project of Ten Shekel Shirt. Second albums always include an element of risk because the success of a second recording either makes or breaks a band. Ten Shekel Shirt is willing to take this risk, and like the child pictured on the cover abandoning his weight to the pull of gravity, this band launches into the music scene once again. Read full review...

MUCH (2001)
"Sure, whatever, worship isn't just singing." One disadvantage to praise music being a fad is that we look on it a little lightly, missing the art our passion could create. Lamont Heibert, Tommy Lee, and Austin Morrison learned Much when God sent them to study worship hands-on... at Yale University. Biblically grounded as these men obviously are, Ten Shekel Shirt soon took on a presence beyond their years, capable of engaging audiences with the drama and authenticity that a Heavenly friendship can have. Read full review...
Not too big of a flash site, but it has the basic info.
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