
Phil Keaggy
Wes King
Scott Denté (Out of the Grey)
Both unruly and reposing, the guitarist trio of Phil Keaggy, Wes King, and Scott Denté (KKD) combined forces at the apex of their careers to frame this Invention. These eleven songs feature seven purely guitar tracks, and four with lyrics. King's breakout statement "Watch My Back" shares of friendship and loyalty with the songwriter's typical wit (one ad lib, following the "I want you to watch my back" tag line, quips "not to be confused with washing"). Two guitar sessions follow, but they're as different as night and day. "Isle of Skye" overlays Wes on a Longejans acoustic, Phil on a Strat, and Scott on a high-strung Taylor; "The Moors of Bellevue" is an unmuffled jam of multifarious rock. Master guitarist and KKD's senior partner, Phil Keaggy, yearns for listeners to join him in believing "it's alright, it's OK" to desert ourselves and draw from the "River of Life." The Denté-penned "Budapest Control" soundtrack improves on Scott's Out of the Grey sound, no doubt due to the synergy found with his colleagues. The serene-yet-searching "Angel Treads" track fades into Invention's best single, "More to Be Revealed." Featuring Denté on vocals (which he has significantly brushed up on since the last OOTG album), "...Revealed" is an expeditious shift of disarmament yearning for a greater unveiling and closer union with Christ. The immediately next "53 Days in June" also is a Denté contribution, an
inexplicable integration of contradicting harmonies. Handling an Olson acoustic, Wes King superimposes an endearing melody over scales that speak obviously Southern twang and blues with his final solo. Literally a hymn without words, Keaggy's breathtaking "The Quote Jester" gets guitar lovers hitting the 'previous track' button over and over, marvelling how he can create such a masterpiece using only a Resonator acoustic. Riotous yet composed, "Something, Somewhere" has all three quirky comrades on vocals, producing an offhand account of life's journey from their standpoint as "pilgrims in progress." These 'inventors,' if you will, evidently relished tinkering with dozens of techniques and the latest effects equipment at their disposal. But amid all that amplification, Invention evokes fondness for the touch of God, and desire for more of Him.
- Josh M. Shepherd
Phil's artist site, with lots of CDs not available in stores and lots more for the guitarists, has good prices and a nice look for the amazing guitarist.
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