
Welding strong melody with cynical-yet-hopeful lyrics, die-hard bridge solos with a wall of sound, Fono from the United Kingdom has already created quite a stir with their debut GoesAroundComesAround. "Collide" and "Under My Skin" are breathless rock-alt tracks espying the power and relationship of God, all in the context of "there's a world living outside." Belief in the unseen is prominent in "Something Must Be Happening." Naming that oft-referred-to "place where I can find God," "Alcatraz" locks listeners into a loop of "I'll bend until you break," a reference to the Lord's violent destruction of our carnal mindset. Not a typical love song, "Pretty You" relates to the loners and outcasts in trying again at life and love. Hardly a take on fellow Brits delirious? and their hit single "Gravity," "Round and Round" cleverly speaks of the moon man's retirement and the cheap help of social clubs as it mocks the vanity of culture and selfishness. Attention to detail in production is obvious on GoesAroundComesAround, conflicting with the norm of Christian outfits who drop all sense of technical excellence. An epic journey of darkness, mistakes and the resolve in "the first time she screams ~ 'Jesus, I am Yours,'" "Now She's 24" is a perfectly-delivered meld of electric and acoustic that speaks volumes. The character and energy of Fono begins to grow on you by "Drift Away," an avid track that stands to reach and embrace the forgiving face of God. "Strangest Thing" is not as focused as GoesAround's other material; however, the desire to "Burn" is made manifest as they employ a shiftless, enduring sound to display the "red orange glow" of our Maker's presence. Tinged with a melancholy reality, "Splendid" tears a page from the Gospels in it's dance with Jesus--with us as His bride. A hidden title track stresses the continuity of life, and the ever-constancy of the Lord's far-sweeping forgiveness. The indelicate drive of Fono glimmers with the perilous might of Jesus' love on their indispensable project, GoesAroundComesAround.