
Dave Baysinger (vocals)
Sam Barnhart (guitar, vocals)
Milam Byers (guitar)
Jared Byers (drums)
Jerry Morrison (bass)
I have to be honest: upon my initial listening to Astronomy, Bleach's fifth studio recording, I was stricken with disbelief. The majority of the disc had a rushed feel to it, and some songs seemed strained or unnatural. Luckily, I remembered reading that Bleach planned on dedicating the album to Josh Byers, brother of band members Milam and Jared. After I read his story, my perception changed. Read full review...

There was once a time when Bleach made sonically powerful, intelligent rock music. Well, that time has expired, and Bleach's return to the industry on Tooth and Nail Records proves how much they've waded into the ever-flowing stream of conformity. Again, For the First Time, Bleach's fourth release, doesn't sport anything really special; the band's "new" sound actually likens to pre-processed punk, but it's definitely worth a listen anyway. Read full review...

BLEACH (1999)
Since their last album, Bleach has evolved quite significantly, noticeable through their lyrics and their style. Sporting this new attitude and a new band member, Bleach has finally released their self-titled project in hopes of taking the gospel of Jesus Christ even further. The question is, will these changes affect how they do the job? Read full review...

STATIC (1998)
Never one to take the well-tracked musical road, Bleach consistently run with a mood, while Dave Baysinger's voice is never disappointing. Issues are explored, but unless you're analyzing lyrics like me, you'll miss it. Though at times headache-inducing, Static tries hard to be a worthy follow-up to the sonic sound of Bleach's debut. Read full review...

SPACE (1996)
Bleach debuts with eleven strong songs and an anthemic, powerful rock sound. After listening to Static, I wondered if their debut was as formulaic; that assumption is proven untrue, as the band share song credits on tracks challenging listeners to open up their hearts, minds and worldviewtheir Spaceto Christ's transforming power. Read full review...
The official site of the band has the latest news and info, an e-mail list for the fully informed, and lots and lots more about the band.
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