I Am Still Afraid
It might be morbid to write a 400 page story that centers around death. Who in their right mind would want to spend that much time reading about a topic that most of us avoid whenever possible. That said, Annie Dillard doesn't care. The Living is thrust out to us, a personal creed from Dillard that preaches to us about how we live and how we die. It is a doleful story, but it grabs your heart and stabs it with its brutal honesty and blunt facts. In the end, after your heart is released, you breathe heavily and realize that what you read was truer than you would like to admit.

Living the Questions

The Pilgrim's Progress
Phantastes by George MacDonald
Embark on a journey through the land of fairies aided by the flowing prose of George MacDonald: everything is more real than life, and yet, just as extraordinary as every day living.
Jesus Freaks Vol. II by dc Talk
Martyrs? Revolutionaries? Jesus Freaks? All of the above. These are only a handful of the stories found in Jesus Freaks, Vol. II, sequel to its best-selling 1999 predecessor, Jesus Freaks
The Road Home by Ellen Emerson White
How does a young female doctor fresh out of the Vietnam War go back to a normal life? White explores philosophical issues in a war-torn life while giving commentary on the Vietnam War.
The Living by Annie Dillard
A novel about the settling of Northwest Washington that dwells on death and dying. Though the outlook is despondent, lessons can be gleaned from this thoughtful book.
Review Index